Wednesday, October 8, 2014

PETIT PEONY is beyond excited to announce our partnership with Mi Esperanza

MOTHERS HELPNG MOTHERS - PETIT PEONY Welcomes you to the circle of HOPE.  The Dress Designer, The Dress Maker, and the Dress Patron are all Mother's who are working hard to provide life's necessities for their Children.

MI ESPERANZA -  will be producing PETIT PEONY's first ever collection for Spring/Summer 2015. By utilizing Mi Esperanza's Maquila in Tegucigalpa, Honduras many MOTHERS will be given an opportunity to provide their children with the basic necessities in life. These women are provided skills training, a fair trade wage, and a safe working environment by Mi Esperanza.

Mi Esperanza means “My Hope” and began in 2002 with a vision to provide assistance for women in the villages surrounding Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Providing micro-business loans and skills training to women living in extreme poverty does this. Many of the women are single mothers who are supporting their families without any type of assistance or opportunity to change their life circumstances. Their lives are about survival and trying to meet the most basic of needs of life; food, clean water, education, healthcare and shelter. Through Mi Esperanza, women are finding a new sense of hope, self-empowerment and stability. Mi Esperanza brings HOPE to women, young and old, by giving them educational and financial tools that enable them to change their lives and the future of their children.

By purchasing your daughter, grand daughter or niece a PETIT PEONY dress YOU are supporting MOTHERS HELPING MOTHERS and completing the circle of HOPE.

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